Part #6: How to Choose Affiliate Programs – 8 Mistakes to Avoid

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New affiliates often make these mistakes when choosing affiliate programs. You need to avoid these mistakes if you want to be successful in affiliate marketing and make consistent money as an affiliate.

#1 Choosing the Wrong Affiliate Niche

Choosing a niche is one of the most important decisions you’ll make to be successful in affiliate marketing. If you choose the wrong niche, you will fail. You want to choose a niche that is profitable, a niche that you know or understand, and one that you’re interested in. You won’t be able to write about topics or products you’re not familiar with and you won’t like working on your blog if you find the niche boring.

#2 Wrong Product for the Affiliate Niche

Even the best products won’t sell if you promote them to the wrong audience. You must sell products that your audience is interested in.

#3 Small Affiliate Commissions

Don’t choose affiliate programs that pay small commissions. If you’re promoting affiliate programs that pay little, you’ll find it difficult to make a good income. Look for affiliate programs that pay well. It takes the same amount of work to promote a $10 product as it does to promote a $1000 product. However, the conversion rate will be lower for a $100 product. That’s why you should consider promoting products that have an average price.

Also, consider the commission rate. Software and courses often pay 50% commission. Selling a $200 course that pays a $100 commission may make more sense than selling a $1,000 product that pays the same amount of commission.

Recurring programs like memberships are great because you can get monthly commissions. Consider programs offering two-tier commissions where you not only earn commissions on your own sales but also on the sales of people who you introduce to your affiliate program.

#4 Not Checking Out the Affiliate Program

Promoting only quality programs is important to gain trust with your audience. Before you start promoting a product, check it out, read reviews, and even better – buy it and test it yourself. If you promote low-quality products, you won’t get repeat sales and you’ll damage your reputation.

#5 Promoting Too Many Affiliate Programs

Promoting too many programs is a mistake that many newbies make. When you’re new at affiliate marketing, you should start by promoting only one product. You need to focus on promoting one product at a time. Spend time learning about the product. You need to know the product well to be able to create great content to promote it. Once you have a promotion strategy and start making sales, you can promote a few additional products. When you’re more experienced, you’ll be able to promote more products.

#6 No Affiliate Support

You want an affiliate program that provides support. You want to be able to contact someone when you have questions and receive a timely answer. A good affiliate program will have an affiliate manager that can help you promote the program. Also, keep in mind that bigger companies or established companies will have more resources than small companies.

#7 No Affiliate Statistics

Keeping a track of your clicks and conversions is important in affiliate marketing. You want to choose affiliate programs that offer solid, real-time statistics. When finding affiliate programs through affiliate networks, you’ll get great statistics. When working with smaller companies, you may not have enough statistics to track how you’re doing

#8 No Affiliate Creatives

Avoid programs that don’t offer creatives and other marketing materials. It will be easier to promote the program if you’re getting a variety of ads, images, and other promotional resources. Some companies offer email messages, articles, and even training to help affiliate promote their products.

You will be more successful when avoiding these mistakes. The best affiliate programs will provide high commissions and excellent support so that you can make more money promoting their products.

If you want to make consistent money and make passive money with affiliate marketing, then I recommend getting course: SUPER AFFILIATE MARKETING

That's it for today, please read the next part!

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