5 Genius Ways To Be Unique Enough to Succeed When Building Your Blog
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People have to be unique if they want to be successful. Their design needs to be different, they should speak about different things, and they should take advantage of video and images. I’ve shown them a few ways they can stand out.
Do you remember when you were in high school and the only thing you cared about was fitting in? It mattered more to you than anything and it was a constant struggle to be one of the ‘normal’ kids. All the ones who were a little different got bullied and almost tortured every time they reached the school gates in the morning. Being unique was frowned upon and it’s hard to see why. I guess kids just learn how to act from bad role models that hate everyone who is not like them.
Be Unique
It’s the complete opposite in the online world and if you want to succeed you need to be unique at all costs. There is too much information floating around on millions of blogs and if you are not unique then how will anyone be able to separate you from the other guy? Being unique is something you can learn even if you don’t think you have much to offer at the moment. There are enough me-too blogs out there to last a lifetime, so let’s look at some ways to break the mold.
A cool design
When someone is starting out they will buy one of the many basic WordPress themes that everyone else is using and they won’t change anything about it. This means when someone is searching online they will wonder why they keep landing on the same kind of website. You have no chance of standing out and that means you have no chance of being remembered. If you buy a premium theme there are hundreds of tutorials that will help anyone to make their website unique.
A unique voice
You probably hear about this all the time, but it’s true and eventually everyone will have to find their voice. You discover it by continuously writing and learning your craft. If I could offer one piece of advice it would be to try and write like you speak. It’s much easier to add personality to your articles, but if you are going to write like you speak you will need to make sure you speak properly. It doesn’t have to be words you use, because you can be unique when you design infographics or pictures.
Angle of niche
There are so many bloggers talking about every topic imaginable and you can’t expect to come in with your me-too blog and make any difference. If you are talking about the same things as everyone else you obviously can’t expect anyone to care about you. The trick is to find a unique angle on the same topic and write about that until your hands bleed. It’s a much easier way to build a following that cares about you and eventually you will have a big enough audience to talk about anything.
Making it more attractive to people
Most people will just publish articles because it’s easy. They won’t get behind the video and shoot some great footage to include in a blog post. They won’t find an expert in the niche and ask them to do an interview sharing their great advice. They won’t start a podcast. They won’t draw great pictures if they are great at art. They won’t do anything to stand out apart from the usual articles and that is why you can set yourself apart from them by making your content more attractive.
Show them the real you
Nobody is the same as you and that means if you add your personality to your blog it’s going to be impossible for anyone to copy you. Your personality obviously comes through when shooting videos, but if you want maximum results it has to be more than that. You need to talk about your highs and lows. Tell them where you went wrong and they will feel empathy for you. Show them your successes and you will become a role model to them. Nobody can match that.
Nancy Baker, the author of this article, is a freelance blogger who is currently writing for Adslot, a firm which specializes in website monetization. An avid car enthusiast, she likes to go on long drives during the weekend. You can also follow her on Twitter @Nancy Baker.
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