How to Create an Email Mini-Course to Build Your List

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Want to find out how to create an email mini-course? Creating an email mini-course is one of the best methods to build a loyal list of subscribers.

Email mini-courses are very popular and very effective to build an email list

Here’s why: Most visitors will leave your site and will never return. And most visitors don’t buy on their first visit.

You need to have an irresistible offer to build an email list. Creating a compelling email mini-course is a great way to build your list.

When subscribing to your list and giving you their email address, visitors give you permission to maintain contact with them until they unsubscribe. You can stay in contact with them regularly and send informational and promotional emails.

Having an email list gives you the opportunity to promote your products, affiliate products, and special offers down the road.

What you need to create an email mini-course

When this is set up, and someone subscribes to your email mini-course, your autoresponder will automatically send your pre-written email lessons and follow-up messages to your subscribers.

How to generate content for your email messages

No clue what to say to your list?

Get 950+ email swipes to help you write high-converting email messages faster and easier.

How to set up your autoresponder messages to maximize results

When to send messages, and how many messages you should send will vary depending on the product you’re promoting.

  • Set up 5 to 7 messages as the lessons for your course. Those can be articles or other content that is related to the product you want to promote.

  • Aweber recommends setting up your autoresponder software to send out a lesson every other day.

  • Insert a follow-up message in between each lesson to make sure your subscribers received your previous lessons and to remind them of your future lessons.

  • Promote the program once at the beginning and once at the end of each lesson.

  • If using affiliate links, make sure to cloak your link. If you don’t know how to do this, you can check my blog post on how to cloak affiliate links here.

Create a landing page

Create a landing page where you offer a free subscription to your email course.

Don’t know how to create a lead magnet page or landing page? Check out my blog post, How to Create a Lead Magnet Page.

Autoresponder services that provide landing pages include ConvertKit, Aweber, GetResponse, MailChimp, and others. You can read my review of 4 popular autoresponders here.

  • Your opt-in page is a single page with an opt-in form.

  • It must be focused on getting people to give you their email addresses.

  • And of course, it must mention the benefits of subscribing to your list.

Do you want to create different opt-in offers? Check out my 38 Opt-In Freebie Ideas to Grow Your Email List.

It’s important to create one or more email mini-courses to build a loyal list of subscribers.

Do you need lead magnets to build your list?

Get my free Canva Templates to easily create checklists, worksheets, to-do lists, and a variety of lead magnets to build your list.

Are you struggling to build a list?

Unlock the Power of Effective List Building and Skyrocket Your Business Growth

  • Discover 32 actionable techniques to grow your email list fast!

  • Learn effective strategies to attract more subscribers.

  • Get more leads and sales and grow your business fast.

  • Have a ready source of customers waiting to buy from you.

Start growing your email list today!


Email Resources

Last updated