Make Old Content New and Almost Unrecognizable

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Making old content new is just a matter of making a few edits, changes, and tweaks. When making these changes, your audience will think that your content is new. They wonโ€™t feel as if theyโ€™ve already seen everything you have to offer.

Here are a few easy ways to freshen up old content. You can use these methods to update old blog posts, create new information products, or even customize private label rights (PLR) content.

If youโ€™re having trouble creating content, you may be interested in these blog posts:

1 . Add or Change Graphics

Add graphics. If you used graphics in the original content, itโ€™s best to change them. When changing images, donโ€™t forget to change the alt tags.

If you have data-centric content, add an infographic. If you have โ€œhow toโ€ content, take pictures of the steps to show how to accomplish the task.

I personally use Canva to design most of my images. Itโ€™s the easiest graphic program Iโ€™ve ever used. Canva has a free and paid version. Click here to try Canva free.

Pic Monkey is another popular program. You may also want to hire a graphic designer to create professional-looking graphics for the new information product.

To stand out from others in your field, you may also want to buy some images. I joined DepositPhotos to get unique images for my blog and social media images that other people in my niche are not using.

See my listing of free stock photos and images here.

2. Change Keywords

Are your keywords still popular today? Do you want to get additional exposure with different keywords? Do you want to target a different audience?

By changing your keywords, you can also target a different audience and get additional exposure.

When recreating the content, determine what your goals are for the blog post or the new information product. This will help you find the right keywords to use. Change the title to reflect the idea you want to get across.

TIP: A fast way to replace keywords is by using the find and replace function in MS Word.

3. Add Examples

Use screenshots, case studies, interviews, and more to add examples to the original content to better explain the concepts youโ€™re trying to get across to your audience.

Adding this information will make the content more complete whether itโ€™s a blog post or PLR you purchased.

4. Improve SEO

Optimize your page for the new keywords. Change the keywords in the title, headers, subheaders, content, and alt-tags with the keywords youโ€™ve identified for this project.

The Yoast SEO plugin makes it easy to optimize your SEO title, Meta description, and more.

More ways to optimize:

  • Add more content related to your new keywords.

  • Add internal and external links.

  • Get internal links from authority sites.

5. Change the Order

If the original content is in paragraph form find ways to reorganize it such as by adding bullets, changing the order of the points in the content, and by paraphrasing bullet points to make it look and read differently.

Remember to consider how your audience will consume the info product. Try to make the order logical based on the way theyโ€™ll use it. For example, you may need to add steps that are understood in the content but seem to be missing in the new info product.

6. Change the Publishing Date

After youโ€™ve made enough changes and improvements and your old content looks like new and is almost unrecognizable, change the publishing date.

If people see an old publishing date, theyโ€™ll think that your content is old and outdated even if you just updated it. Changing the publishing date is a quick and easy way to get more people to click on your blog post.

7. Add an Intro and Conclusion

When youโ€™re done with everything else, add an introduction and a conclusion.

In the introduction, tell the audience what theyโ€™ll learn in the content.

In the conclusion, tell them what you taught them and how to proceed from here. If you include ACTION STEPS to help your readers get started doing what youโ€™ve talked about in the info product, then youโ€™re more likely to get people to act on it.

Promote your revised posts

Donโ€™t forget to promote your revised posts to social media and to your email subscribers.

Use a posting schedule and use social media management tools to promote your revised posts to social media like HootSuite, SocialPilot, Buffer, MeetEdgar, and Tailwind.

I use Tailwind to schedule my pins to Pinterest! I love Tailwindโ€™s โ€œCommunityโ€ feature (previously called Tribes) that gives my pins a lot of extra exposure. And I use SocialPilot to schedule my Tweets and Facebook post for the whole month.

These tips work great for updating your own original content and for customizing PLR. You can make people and search engines believe that the content is unique and unrecognizable from the initial source.

Itโ€™s not tricking anyone and it isnโ€™t any different from what teachers do when they teach information from a book. Teachers use the book as a starting point and find a good angle to attack the information based on their audience. You can do the same with your blog posts or information products.

My Blogging Checklists and Worksheets will give you a clear plan on how to set up and develop a money-making blog.


Have trouble creating content? Check out this done-for-your content that you can use as your own. Iโ€™ve used content from each of those providers myself and they all provide high-quality content.

Last updated